Monday, April 27, 2009

Hoboken Taxi Complaint Procedure

You can direct any complaints or questions regarding Hoboken taxi service to:

Annette Chaparro
Hoboken Division of Taxi and Limousine Licensing
94 Washington St., 1st floor
Hoboken, NJ, 07030
ph: 201-216-1090
fax: 201-239-6625

For complaints, include the date and time of the incident and the Cab ID number from the logo on the door.

1 comment:

  1. The new set up for cabs in Hoboken is the most inefficient system I have ever seen. There should not be apx 40 cabs lined up and a line 20 deep of people waiting! While the cab
    "starter" ( skinny guy with the glasses) stands and screams at the cab drivers to pull up to the line. Screaming at the cab drivers like they are animals to the point of verbal confrontaion. How is that safe or smart to then put a passenger in the cab with an angry driver?? NO thank you .. please go back to the old system and leave the starters out of it. They hold up the lines and cause too many problems. When I get off the Path I want to get in a cab and go home. I should not have to engage or be bothered with this system that is a total waste of everyones time.
